Michael Monroe
Originally from Arkansas, Michael Monroe was born with creative genetics, as his mother was an avid artist. From a young age Michael's mother mentored him in oil painting, helping him develop his artistic ability.
Around 2006, Michael fully welcomed representational painting with a focus on pure abstract landscapes. This style launched Michael's career across the United States. Michael's career grew with representation and high distinction in galleries such as Aspen, Boston, Carmel, and Santa Fe. In 2013 Michael and his wife Lisa fell in love with Naples, Florida when they visited to see his artwork shown on 5th Avenue and have remained there full-time ever since.
Michael's art was commissioned by Baldwin Piano Corporation to hand paint a series of grand pianos, known as Baldwin's "Artist Series". As an accomplished piano player himself, these painted pianos not only bring art to the ears, but also to the eyes in an exquisite artistic fusion of art and music.