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Landscapes and Seascapes

Lynn Fecteau says she cannot remember a time when she was not creating art. From the time she was a child growing up in Cherry Hill, NJ, she remembers quite vividly that all the other kids were involved with sports, etc. while she opted out so she could attend art school.

Beautiful Day on Buccaneer Island
Lynn Fecteau: Meet the Artists
Beautiful Day on Bucineer Island.acv.jpg
Lynn Fecteau - The Point, embellished gi
Lynn Fecteau - A Calm, embellished gicle
Lynn Fecteau - Ocean Musings, embellishe
Sea of Dreams.jpg
Ocean Song_1.jpg
Lynn Fecteau: Gallery

Lynn Fecteau

Lynn Fecteau says she cannot remember a time when she was not creating art. From the time she was a child growing up in Cherry Hill, NJ, she remembers quite vividly that all the other kids were involved with sports, etc. while she opted out so she could attend art school.


After graduating high school, she was accepted into Philadelphia College of the Arts on a scholarship based on her painting and printing abilities.


Lynn’s paintings show her understanding and love of the sea and the natural world. She feels certain that her passion for the ocean and its surroundings were born within her during her childhood adjacent to the infamous Jersey Shore. She grew up spending summers on her parents’ boat observing color, light and its reflections on the water and sea life. She understood early on that the ocean calmed her, and made her focused and centered.


Much like De Kooning, Andy Warhol, Jackson Pollack; Lynn finds her inspiration by being close to the water. After college, Lynn went off to explore her love by getting crew jobs on yachts and ended up sailing all over the world. Her adventures took her to places near and far which included South pacific, New Guinea, Australia and over to the Bahamas and South America. 


While on those exotic trips, Lynn always had her sketch book at hand. She never missed an opportunity to record her adventures. On her trips back to the states she discovered Coconut Grove. A place she says makes her feel alive and inspired by nature.  Her backyard is a slice of heaven filled with orchids of all varieties, hibiscus, jasmine, avocado, peacocks, hummingbirds and a squirrel family she feeds.


She speaks of gratitude to be able to live a life full of the natural world and be able to express these impressions on a canvas.  Lynn Gets her soul replenished when she is in these surroundings, her paintings tend to draw you in because they have an invitational quality to them. They invite you to dream. Even if they hang in the coldest darkest city apartment, they take you away if even for a moment. That is what art is meant for, empathy and dreams.


The Japanese have a tradition called Forest Bathing. They spend time in nature to recharge. The fact that pictures of nature can produce cognitive benefits suggests that at least part of the effect is mediated by what we see. One simple hypothesis is color: Nature scenes tend to feature more green and blue than urban scenes. A more subtle possibility is that natural landscapes have more fractal patterns – a mathematical classification that describes the complex shapes of phenomena like coastlines, mountain ranges and broccoli florets – compared to the simple straight lines that characterize man-made environments.

Lynn's hope is to prompt a sense of joy and tranquility in this crazy world.

Lynn Fecteau: Text

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41 Fishing Village Drive at Ocean Reef Club

  Key Largo, FL 33037  •  T: 305.367.8001

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